I apologise for the lack of posts, I realise I've been ignoring this blog for months now. :)
I'm just back from France where I was animating on a short corporate film for La Maif at MrHyde for 3 months - I won't show any of this here, not only because it's not going to be out for a little while but also because it's not my style, and...well. Let's just say that I had to animate 4min in 4 weeks, after 2 months spent updating a storyboard...Too much politics spoil the animation, that's what I found out. ;)
Here is another thing which is happening at the same time. Au Poil, the short film I've been working on for the last...say...2 years (?) was in February in the final selection of the CNC committee (the equivalent of the British Film Council, generous with funding short films). Unfortunately, or fortunately, I didn't get it, but got granted a 2000€ grant to rewrite some of the script, and got assigned a tutor to help me with it. The making of film is a saga, and the film itself is turning into a 10 - 13 min...I guess it will be better than it was going to be, but it's a bit of an on going joke to ask me how my film is going, considering the grant I initially got was in December 2008...
So the images below are part of the previous version of the script (in no particular order), and these scenes are now out. Quite a lot of the script has changed dramatically, and I'm now working on the storyboard to send it for another committee at the end of May. Fingers crossed.

Je suis désolée du manque de posts, ca fait maintenant des mois que j'ignore ce blog avec application...mais c'est aussi parce que j'ai commencé celui-là pendant que j'étais à Paris... Bref. J'ai animé un petit film institutionnel pour la Maif à MrHyde pendant 3 mois, sur lequel je ne dirai pas grand-chose, car ca a été pour le moins dire une production difficile, et quand on anime 4 minutes en 4 semaines après avoir mis à jour un board pendant 2 mois...bon ben ca donne ce que ca donne.
Pendant ce temps y a mon film, Au Poil, qui, non, ne commence pas encore, mais y a du nouveau. La commission pleinière du CNC nous encourage à ré-écrire le scénario (oui, c'est la 15ème version, mais bon) avec une bourse de ré-écriture de 2000€ et un tuteur assigné. Voici donc des images qui faisaient partie de la version précédente, des scènes coupées ou qui vont beaucoup changer. Le scénar a beaucoup changé et le film a pris une tournure complètement différente, et fera maintenant entre 10 et 13 min....
Voili voilou, je me remets au board qui doit faire partie du nouveau dossier pour le 20 mai.